Thursday, August 8, 2024

No Cranes?


It has been hot & muggy here so I haven't been out & about much so this is one from my archives taken last summer. This is the view looking across one of the playing fields at U of Toronto towards Yonge St and Bloor St, one of the main intersections in the city. I was amazed to see there were no cranes visible in this shot. I will have to go back and check the view now as there seem to be cranes everywhere.


William Kendall said...

A good view.

Anvilcloud said...

UofT would have been such a different experience than my semi rural U (Guelph).

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice with a clean view, although cranes can mean progress.

Taken For Granted said...

A fine cityscape photo sans cranes. Perhaps another angle would have seen many cranes? Hope it cools off there. It is cooler here now.

Sharon said...

Construction cranes have become ubiquitous in many big cities so to catch a skyline photo with none visible is unusual. Nice shot.

s.c said...

Lucky for us we have an archive to fall back when not everything is going as we would like. No cranes is sometimes not so bad.

Bill said...

A very nice view it is.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

The woman who owned my house before me used to operate one of those huge cranes. I imagine she would have been paid enough to own something more grand!

Cloudia said...

Amazing all of the construction going on everywhere. Thank you for these cool pictures

jennyfreckles said...

Those high rises so dominate the older buildings.

roentare said...

Beautiful sight.

Michelle said...

A nice city scape.

Andrew said...

Cranes on the skyline are said to be a sign of a city's prosperity. I see them more as a sign of profits for developers.

Tom said...

...I like the view.