Monday, November 25, 2013


I spotted this row of faces in my neighbourhood this week on a wall that is constantly being tagged and then repainted by the property owner. The faces are done by the artist Anser who has done hundreds of these line-drawings around the city over the last few years. They are not commissioned and most of them disappear fairly quickly as I think these probably will, but it was nice to see something other than ugly tags springing up here.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

I like those heart shaped squiggle faces a lot Pat, nice to have them there even if it is just for a short while!

Karen said...

I like them, too bad they will disappear.

Luis Gomez said...

Cool faces.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Better that the normal mindless tagging I supose said...

How cool.

Anonymous said...

It appears he did it all with one continuous unbroken line. That requires some forethought. Very nice.

TexWisGirl said...

i LOVE this!!! WOW!!!

s.c said...

Great drawing . Somebody must have practized this before to get a so on the first sight simple drawing. I like it.

Gabriel S. Ignácio said...

It's amazing!

Sharon said...

It's interesting how the artist captured expressions in line drawings.
To answer your question from yesterday, we didn't have any special permission to park we just pulled in and got out. We weren't at any location for very long so I think we were just lucky.

Anonymous said...

Simple, but very elegant!

Taken For Granted said...

In today's post sccollections referred to those who tag murals as "mural vultures." Hope the mural vultures stay away from this mural for a long time.

Gail Dixon said...

I'm not sure what tags are, but this artwork is amazing! I'm sure they're much more preferable than tags.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Love the rhythm of line and color. If it were me, I'd leave them up, at least for a while. I'm glad you were able to get a photo to show us. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

Karl said...

Only a few simple lines... amazing!

EG CameraGirl said...

Kinda clever, certainly better than tagging.

Laura. M said...

if it changes, we hope to teach again.
Have a good night:))

William Kendall said...

It's better than the visual clutter of tagging.

Randy said...

Simple but very nice.

Halcyon said...

I love how those simple lines create such expressive faces. Cool find - I hope you find more!

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Wouldn't like them outside my house - but they're actually rather nice!

Chrissy Brand said...

Simple and effective, I rather like them Pat.

cath carbone said...

Belle photo!
Very nice post!
Thanks & Welcome for your comment and your next visit to my blogs.
Have a nice day! Cath.

The Greenockian said...

Interesting - as you say, much better than the usual stuff!

Gunn said...

This is nice ART:)

hamilton said...

the eyes are watching you!

Unknown said...

Love this! Great work.

Louis la Vache said...

As others have commented, better than the usual graffiti that is such a blight globally...

«Louis» has added your blog to his blogroll.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Very very nice indeed. I think that if I were the property owner, I'd take a bit of time before painting over that one!