Saturday, November 23, 2013

Red Chess

One of the installations at the Nuit Blanche event in October was this large chess set made from a huge variety of recycled metal bits and pieces. They were really quite fun to see and during the event a real chess game was played using them as the pieces.


Sharon said...

Wow, that is a fun chess set. I like the creativity in those pieces.

Anonymous said...

That is need indeed but I think I would get confused as to what is what.

TexWisGirl said...

pretty cute!

jennyfreckles said...

That's fun. They do look like adversaries.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Awesome chess set, the best I've seen yet

Andy said...

Your move Red. Nuit Blanche must have been a fun event.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Now THAT is fascinating!

Birdman said...

I'll play Candyland!

Randy said...

Let's play.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Fun and clever. Now, if they motorized them they could move the pieces with a remote control.

Gringo said...

Nice shot Red Pat, and looks fun too!

Anonymous said...

Love the angle, very colourful too!

EG CameraGirl said...

I like the creativity here.

Luis Gomez said...

So wonderful!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Thank goodness for the creative minds of this world, they certainly make life more interesting oui !

William Kendall said...

That I like tremendously!

Halcyon said...

Really neat! Wish I had been there. :)

Louis la Vache said...

That is one AMAZING chess set! :-)

Laura. M said...

I like it, and recycling best :))

Laura. M said...

I like it, and recycling best :))

Chrissy Brand said...

G e n i u s !

Nathalie H.D. said...

Very creative, I like that!