Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Modern Treats

I was wandering along College St and spotted the bright pink of this place before I realized that it was a gourmet doughnut shop. Jelly Modern Doughnuts has a store in Toronto and another in Calgary and judging by their decadent menu, there will probably be more. I had just finished brunch so didn't go in but they have many delicious-sounding varieties like maple/bacon and creme brulee. I have to go back one day when hungry! Their decor looks wonderful as does their logo.
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EG CameraGirl said...

Very tempting!! ;)

Pat said...

I love the bright pink color! Sure gets my attention! But seriously, any place with the word "doughnuts" gets my attention! I love the figure of the girl on the door!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

We had jam doughnuts today but I would not say no to another.

Anonymous said...

That's a very bright and jolly looking shop! The doughnuts do sound deliciously unusual too!

Karen said... them. I bet the ones in this shop are better than Tim's!

Anonymous said...

I haven't had a jelly filled doughnut since longer than I can remember. I think my stomach would rebel if I had one today.

TexWisGirl said...

i like the stick-figure girl on the door. :)

Marleen said...

The bright colors make it look inviting.

Halcyon said...

I have never been a big fan of doughnuts. I don't think anything could take the place of Timbits though! :)

Dave said...

That is defiantly sales 101! With the pink you have no choice but to look at what kind of business it is.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm sold on maple-bacon! ;-9

Cute place!


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Donuts are one sugary treat I can usually pass up without even feeling like I'm missing something. But creme brulee would tempt me.

Love the hot pink!

LĂșcia said...

Donuts are terribly delicious, I can't remember when was the last time I had one... Could you imagine Amelie Poulin having a creme brulee donut? :)

cieldequimper said...

That's a bit unfair... ;-)

jennyfreckles said...

My wheat-free diet means donuts are a no-go area for me. Probably just as well..

Photo Cache said...

will stay away from temptation if i can.

Taken For Granted said...

Looks like a fun place to find a taste treat.

Randy said...

If they have Raspberry Jelly donuts I am there.

William Kendall said...

Very pink!

It looks at least more appealing than Ye Old Tim Hortons (I know, it's un-Canadian to disparage the national coffee house, but still...)

Susan Demeter said...

That does sound yummy! Love the look too So welcoming :)

Jack said...

JELLY DONUTS! I used to love those things, but these days they would go right to my butt and my arteries.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

The pink chairs alone would draw me into this shop.

Gunn said...

So where is Barbie (and Ken)?

Gemma Wiseman said...

Gourmet doughnuts sound quite decadent and very tempting.

Gerald (SK14) said...

modern doughnuts as opposed to ancient doughnuts.

Andy said...

You have to be pretty brave to take on Tim Hortons.

Tanya Breese said...

i love all that pink, looks fun!

Lesley said...

I'd like to try one of these, just to see what the fuss is about. I like the swirly doughnut design - and that they spelled doughnut correctly ;)

hamilton said...

I would like to have something like this in Hamilton as I'm much more into doughnuts than cupcakes.

Laura. M said...

A good place to have coffee with donut :))

Wayne said...

So much for keeping any eye on the things I eat, I'm seriously craving a jelly doughnut! said...

All that pink.