Sunday, November 10, 2013

Long View Along The Subway Train

This is the view one has along the inside of one of our new subway trains which have been slowly introduced over the last year or so. Called the TR (Toronto Rocket) model of train, their most unique feature is that there are open 'gangways' between the cars i. e. no dividers allowing you to walk from one end of the train to the other. This view was taken mid-evening from the last car looking all the way forward to the front of the train!


Andy said...

It's something we are not used to.. eh. I also like the arrows that point to the doors that will open. Comes in handy when travelling the University subway.

TexWisGirl said...

wow! that is cool!!! SOOOOO open and long.

Taken For Granted said...

The joints between cars are like articulated buses. Great photo of a surprising urban view.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So I'm guessing that there aren't any bendy bits of railway track Pat..that could be a bit tricky oui :)

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Never knew you had a subway there. Nice view

Lynette said...

Whoa. What an image. Love the perspective. Not sure I'd be comfortable with that much mass transit in one unit. I'm very used to and comfortable with our 200-foot long light rail trains here in Portland, Oregon.

LĂșcia said...

Very cool! Toronto must be very proud of it! ;-)

William Kendall said...

If I'm looking at it right, that linear area further back is an articulated area that allows for the bending of the train around a curve. It's been a long while since I've used the subway in Toronto. Good shot!

Anonymous said...

That's very l o n g!

Anonymous said...

Great shot ~ wonderful perspective ~ carol, xxx

Randy said...

Nice composition.

Jack said...

It is most interesting, RedPat.

The Baker Museum was renamed recently in favor of the couple who made a major donation. It was previously the Naples Museum of Art. If you google that, you will see images of the museum. said...

Wow - Cool

Halcyon said...

I always loved it when you happened to get one of the new cars. :)
Looks like fall is in all its glory in Toronto. I miss it already - and of course all of Rob Ford's antics too!

Birdman said...

Sheeeeeesh! Does it ever end?

Anonymous said...

This is a nice concept for a mass transit vehicle.

Laura. M said...

I like the idea of not separating the cars.

Jackie McGuinness said...

I love our new subway cars! Great photo.