Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Little Red Library

This is a relatively new Little Library that has appeared in the Annex neighbourhood. The libraries seem to be popping up all over the city. I did pick up a couple of good reads from this one!
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PerthDailyPhoto said...

I love this idea Pat, I really wish I could find a few around Perth. When you've read the books do you pop them back?

Karl said...

Oh, this is so cute and very useful.
We have also a few here, but they are not so nice.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Need some of those here

Birdman said...

I always smile when I see these.

Sharon said...

This one has quite a big selection. There must be many readers in this neighborhood.

Lowell said...

These are wonderful. I know I would use them a lot if we had them, but we don't! Darn!

Blogoratti said...

A fine little thing.

Anonymous said...

I like the use of Scrabble tiles.

21 Wits said...

We've had these for a few years now, and everyone has a charm of its own. I like the use of the Scrabble letters too!

Anonymous said...

This one reminds me of one of our postboxes, with its vibrant red colour!

Revrunner said...

Stopped by my neighborhood's little library a day or so ago and looked over the titles. All fiction. :-(

Stephanie said...

An excellent idea in recycling books.

Maude Lynn said...

How cute!

Tom said...

These little libraries are becoming quite popular.

EG CameraGirl said...

I love seeing these!! It's such a great idea.

VP said...

Very nice and practical!

Andy said...

I am still looking for one in may neighbourhood.

TexWisGirl said...

i like this effort.

cieldequimper said...

I've said it before, I'm jealous (though I could never give any of my books). Love the Scrabble lettering!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Finding one of these is one of my goals in life! Such a neat idea.

William Kendall said...

They are neat to see!

Gosia said...

great idea

Lesley said...

The scrabble tiles are a nice touch!

VioletSky said...

I like these - I've been on the lookout!

Lois said...

I just love these Little Libraries! We have them here too. I need to remember to take some pics of them.

Cloudia said...

You do so much with one photo!

Photo Cache said...

I support the little lending library program. We have one outside our church.

Frankly My Dear

Halcyon said...

This one is so cute! I think the smaller versions also stop people from leaving "junk" like they do in our phone booth one. (I've seen VHS tapes in there before!)

Anonymous said...

I really like this idea. This one would make me stop and take a closer look!

Taken For Granted said...

I love these little libraries. Have a friend who maintains one. What a great idea. FIne photo.

Jack said...

I am a big fan of little free libraries. I read a lot and never know what to do with the books when I am finished. So, I always sneak a few books into the local free libraries.

Unknown said...

What a fabulous idea, really great I'd like to see those in London..

Gunn said...

Very smart!

Babzy.B said...

the tinest library i ever seen ! :)