Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Owl and The Hawk

A tree by one of the homes in Wychwood Park had to be taken down but the homeowners saved the trunk and had someone do a bit of carving for them. I particularly like the owl peeking out from its hollow!
Have you noticed how much detail disappears from pics in blogger lately?


Revrunner said...

Wow! Like those carvings.

VP said...

Great catch, I do love details and will keep posting them!

Lowell said...

This is wonderful! I like both the carvings.

Re "detail." My photos are OK. Blogger/Goggle does some strange stuff at time without considering how it affect Bloggers. After you have chosen a photo to post and it appears on you Dashboard page, click on the html tag. You'll see several numbers toward the end of the html: One has to do with height, one with width and one with the small number "s" in front of it. Make sure that number is at least 800. And in your case, you can change the height and width also if you wish. It appears to me you can just a width of 491 and a height of 725. But the other number MUST be changed to 800 or your shots will be very grainy - looking like you've taken them with an old Kodak.

William Kendall said...

Quite a sculptural set. I haven't noticed any issues, as of yet, anyway.

Sharon said...

I love what they've done with this tree trunk. Very clever and artistic.
My photos seem to be okay but, I learned something from Lowell's comment above.

TexWisGirl said...

that is so neat!! love that!

re: blogger changing photos, maybe lowell has the answer for you. i do know that they have the 'auto enhancement' feature they rolled out a while back that adjusts your photos to what 'they' think is best. you have to go in and uncheck it to turn it off and it is available under google+ settings. p.i.t.a!

Cloudia said...

Fun that you mention it, IS detail missing? Gotta notice, thanks.


Andy said...

Cool way to make up for the lost of the tree.
Re: details. What camera do you use? I upload my my photos to Picasa Web Albums. Google has started a new photo storage called Google Photos. I haven't switched yet and hope I can continue to use Picasa Web Albums.

Gosia said...

great company

Anonymous said...

Neat idea for refurbishing a tree. As for loss of detail, I thought I just taking so-so pictures.

Stephanie said...

I have noticed a subtle change in the images when posting on blogger. Great idea on the tree!

Anonymous said...

Very realistic!

Halcyon said...

I love the owlie!
I have not noticed any changes to my pictures on blogger. But now I know the solution if I should happen to have problems in the future.

EG CameraGirl said...

I like that people are being so creative with their dead trees. I like the owl too.

Unknown said...

That's very clever, well spotted...