Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Need Some TLC

These two Second Empire buildings are found on Queen St West and have heritage protection and are actually in the Queen Street Heritage Conservation District which applies to several blocks of buildings.  They both look like they could use a bit of TLC (tender loving care) soon. You can see behind them the threat of condo development that is happening all over Toronto. Kops is an independent record store while the Condom Shack needs no explanation. I'll show one of their neighbours in this very high rent area tomorrow.
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Billy Blue Eyes said...

Love the condom shack never seen one like that here

Karl said...

What a contrast with the buildings behind them !

Lowell said...

The condom shack is very funny. I'm not sure why. Maybe 'cause I've never seen a condom boutique before. Things have sure changed from the days when condoms were hidden behind the drugstore counter and you had to whisper to the pharmacist what you wanted, hoping no one overheard you. :)

VP said...

Condom shack? Oh, that's something new...

Stefan Jansson said...

Fine old architecture here. They could do with a layer of paint.

Sharon said...

I have never seen a condom boutique before. It seems like an unlikely enterprise. These old store fronts are disappearing way too fast.

Anonymous said...

They are certainly in complete contrast to what looms behind them!

William Kendall said...

They definitely need some work!

Andy said...

I have been in Kops before and have looked in the window of the Shack. :) Condos seem to be the way of the downtown residents.

EG CameraGirl said...

Thank goodness these buildings are under heritage protection. I like their charm.

Halcyon said...

I know this part of town! Heritage protection doesn't always mean much in Toronto though. Sometimes the "fines" are less important than they money to be made through "development".

21 Wits said...

Very interesting, the colors actually make them look somewhat better, but TLC is for sure needed!

Tom said...

I am a big Second Empire style fan and these sure could use am lot of TLC! Boy have times changed, a condom shack, oh boy.

Cloudia said...

I like these little pockets of the past living on


Taken For Granted said...

Never seen a Condom store before. Thought they were available at all drug stores. Perhaps they specialize in unique condoms. Perhaps they sell lots of condoms to the condos behind them.

TexWisGirl said...

they definitely need some sprucing up.

Anonymous said...

Oh you Canadians, what a risque bunch you are.

Lois said...

Cute buildings! Funny that the Condom Shack is painted baby blue and pink.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

These are sweet looking buildings. Definitely more human scale than the building behind them.

Stephanie said...

Beautiful old architecture!

Anonymous said...

Oh my...
The buildings would be great with a little TLC for sure.

Jim said...

Great to see them protected.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wow ... I've never seen that type of store anywhere. It's interesting the way big cities change over time.

Linda said...

Whoa! Now that's a sign of the times!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Two beautifully quirky buildings here Pat, thank goodness they're under 'protection':)
P.s. yes interesting times, VERY happy Tony is out. Now we'll have to wait and see if Malcom is any better :) not sure why but he does make me feel a little more confident!

Laura. M said...

I like their colors, it is very original ;))