Tuesday, September 22, 2015

More Changes

This is another shot along Queen St West showing you what is happening behind the street. The Heritage Conservation Area applies just to Queen St itself so all of the surrounding streets are fair game for development. There are cranes everywhere in this city! At least this building looks like it will be interesting when finished.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

That looks a little like a Lego building Pat. Every time I come here it reminds me of Perth :)

Anonymous said...

PDP said what I thought too - made from Legos?

Stefan Jansson said...

A bit different in style.

Anonymous said...

I like the way the sections are stacked on top of each other, the first comment is right... it does have a Lego look to it!

Sharon said...

I like the look of that building so far. I wonder what it will look like when completed.

Luis Gomez said...

I was reading about changes in the "boring" skyline of Vancouver today.I think Toronto's skyline is truly beautiful.

21 Wits said...

It certainly does looked interesting!

Revrunner said...

Maybe, like here in D.C., they'll never be "finished". :-)

Karen said...

That's a tall one!

VP said...

It looks a bit like Lego!

Lowell said...

I like that new building. At least it has some class; some distinction! Will these be apartments or offices?

Gosia said...

look nice

TexWisGirl said...

someone learned well on their old erector set. :)

Andy said...

Building blocks... a strange sight.

William Kendall said...

It does have a Lego sensibility to it.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Love Tex's comment:) Lots of changes for sure. B

Stephanie said...

It reminds me a bit of the Habitat 67 buildings built in Montreal but in a high rise setting. Interesting building and nice shot!

Cloudia said...

yes, lego!


Halcyon said...

I'm not sure I like it, but it certainly is interesting!

EG CameraGirl said...

I don't think the building is very attractive. Maybe I'll get used to it. lol

Jack said...

A very cool building.

You are right about "where does the time go." And the rest of the year will be even crazier than it has been so far. Two weeks in Hartford before heading south, two weeks in Florida, then a month in Africa (to weeks for a Botswana safari before two weeks visiting daughter and her family in Joburg), then two more weeks in Florida before heading back to Hartford for the Christmas holidays. It seems from that itinerary that I have ADHD, but that is not true.