These are the next-door homes to yesterday's house and they are the typical downtown Toronto homes - semidetached, brick, and built in the late 1800s. As you can see from the pic it is common to find that each half of the building is decorated completely differently from the other. In this instance the house on the right has been modernized while the left one has been kept more traditional. The split in colour goes right down the middle of the brick support for the centre column and even the shingles on each half of the roof are different. I like the one on the right - what's your favourite?
I choose two six two:-)
I like the color of the wooden steps
A nice match with the dark colors.
I like both houses, the yellow one gets more light, and the modernized one has a very nice style!
I think grey is a sad colour for a house, but I like best the one on the right too. ;-)
It's clear where they draw the dividing line...
Hmmm. Do I have to choose? I like them bot. But if I MUST choose, I'll take the yellow side.
I like the one on the left but, I can't say why.
What happened to the windows? Funky design ruins the look a bit for me.
hmmm, I like the one one on the right, if mostly because at least the windows all match. but prefer the open railing on the verandah of the one on the left.
great find - these 2 house types together. i like the clean lines of the right house myself, but they are both so well looked after it is a tough choice. it would be interesting to talk to each owner. in order to so carefully divide each from the other even though they are attached, i would think that they must respect each other's taste. thanks redpat
I have seen this situation in the past. I like the left. It appears to have been maintained and perhaps even renovated, but it is faithful to the original architecture.
The modern one is interesting but I prefer the white one.
I also like the right house. The colors are nice and they don't overshadow the house's original appeal. But they are both lovely. And I guess neither have garages. ;-)
Halcyon - there is a laneway behind most houses downtown and that is where you enter the garages. I think they both have garages back there.
It seems to be a pretty even split on these 2 places. Cool!
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