If there was to be a king of Little Italy, it would be Johnny Lombardi who was a pioneer in the promotion of Toronto's cultural diversity. He opened an Italian grocery store on College St in 1946, and then went on to start CHIN Radio which now broadcasts in 30 languages and the CHIN Picnic which attracts more than 250,000 people for 3 days each summer. After his death in 2002, the city, local businesses and his family created the Piazza Johnny Lombardi at College & Grace St which is where you will find this bronze sculpture of Johnny surveying the scene and talking to a young boy! The artists were Veronica & Edwin Dam de Nogales.
This sculpture make me imagine what are they talking about.
It's cool "Johnny" is smiling. ;-)
What a lovely memorial, he looks an inclusive kind of a guy.
Nice pic - one of the things about living in a small semi-rural community is that we don`t have anything like this.
Fabulous sculptures, and what a great place to sit!
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel
What a fabulous tribute to a man and his community!
That really is wonderful. Like a storyteller.
I like how the boy is totally captivated with the conversation.
What an interesting person, and an unusual memorial...imaginative.
Some more great sculptures!
Wonderful sculpture - a tribute to a pioneer who should be remembered.
I just scrolled through your recent posts on Little Italy. Fascinating. And Johnny Lombardi sounds like quite a guy! This is a very nice tribute. But what is CHIN?
This is such a upbeat memorial! I like it.
Sounds like M. Lombardi is very well deserving of such a creative tribute Red.
I love this. I also love that you are walking through Little Italy showing it to us day, by day, thank you I have really been enjoying the visit.
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