Friday, June 22, 2012

Small Castle?

Although many of you know that my tastes run towards modern architecture such as the house I posted earlier this week, I love this place which is just around the corner from it. Built in 1926 and designed by architect Douglas E Kertland (who designed the very Art Deco Automotive Building at Exhibition Place), the design and landscaping really works - good design wins no matter what style. It has a large lot (with pool) that backs onto 2 leafy ravine parks and can be yours for $4.4M. And I love that turret!


Paul in Powell River said...

Absolutely, good design always wins out - and this is definitely a good one!

Regina K said...

I like this house too, very much but 4.4 mil, I couldn't handle. Why is it that torrent always attach the eyes.

Deb said...

This reminds me of many of the large houses you see in Scotland where there is often a turret incorporated in the design. Lovely looking place.

Joe said...

I would move in here in a heartbeat. said...

Love the turret, but really, really love the stone.

Anonymous said...

Marvelous shot!

Randy said...


Unknown said...

Somewhere in Europe, I would say.

Sharon said...

I like it a lot! Now if only I could come up with the price.

Birdman said...

This is more my taste. Love turrets.

Lúcia said...

Amazing, but not for my pocket... :(

Halcyon said...

I think houses with turrets are a little pretentious. But I can't deny this one is pretty! :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

This is definitely the most 'romantic' so far Pat, I'm with Joe if I had a spare 4.4M t'would be mine!!!

EG CameraGirl said...

A tad too pricy for my budget. Otherwise, I'd be happy to move in.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Yes, very nice, although quite pricey...