Monday, November 19, 2012

Yellow Bird & Dragon

I hope no one is getting bored by the little yellow birds since I continue to come across them and I have just heard of a whole wall that UB5000 has completed and which I hope to find in the next few weeks. The birds always seem to be having so much fun, even when riding on a fire-breathing dragon or flying  in a fighter jet!
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


hamilton said...

Angry Birds are on holidays in this mural!

Halcyon said...

I do like the yellow birds. He seems so friendly, even in this rather violent situation. :)

Paul in Powell River said...

He's prolific, if nothing else, your Mr. UB5000.

Lowell said...

Well, that fire-breathing dragon doesn't look too fierce with the "Hug" sign on its chest! And the bird is happy as a lark, if you'll excuse the expression. Oh, wait, is the dragon choking the like out of another bird?

Very funny!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

This guy cracks me up. The yellow bird with the bandana is a kick. Tired of UB5000? Not on your life. Keep them coming. Thanks for continuing to contribute to Monday Mural.

EG CameraGirl said...

Well. I'm not tired of them yet. :))

jennyfreckles said...

You certainly have some interesting murals round your way.

Andy said...

This is like a comic book. Your mural photos are always crisp and clear. Keep on clicking.

Anonymous said...

Much enjoyed !

Please have a good Tuesday.

daily athens photo

Anonymous said...

I guess there is a message in there somewhere so in trying to figure them out I'll not grow weary of seeing them.

Jack said...

Now, how do you always know where UB5000 has done his (or her) works . . . sure you aren't UB5000?

Anonymous said...

Good :))

Randy said...

Hug a gator, I don't know about that. But this one looks harmless.

Michael Rowland said...

I was in Montreal on the weekend and thought of you when I saw an unusual wall painting, I'll put it on my blog soon, I've been really busy lately with work,,,

Sharon said...

Ooooh... there is a lot going on in this mural.

Anonymous said...

What a fun mural! I'm happy to have found your blog. Looking forward to visiting again!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

UB5000's yellow bird sure knows how to rock the bandana and the top hat, nice find Pat, good luck with the hunt. said...

I love little bird, but isn't it funny how once you notice an artist an their style you see them everywhere?

William Kendall said...

They are fun!