Monday, July 1, 2013

Do It!

I spotted this mural on one of my expeditions along the laneways off Queen St West but somehow I neglected to make a note of the artists. It is really well done and I love the 
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.
And a Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians - have fun!!


EG CameraGirl said...

The message is so true!

Happy Canada Day! (Take lots of shots!)

Anonymous said...

Happy Canada Day!

TexWisGirl said...

very colorful!

don said...

A very interesting mural image. I like the brilliant colors and the timely message. Well done.

Anonymous said...

that is a great mural after taking time to read it!

Karen said...

Cool mural. Happy Canada Day!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well spotted Pat, I think a lot of the murals in Toronto come with a message oui! Happy Canada Day..

Mo said...

I love the murals you find and show us

Deb said...

That is an eye-catching mural. Happy Canada Day RedPat.

Lowell said...

Interesting mural but I don't understand it at all.

Happy Canada Day anyway! :)

Carletta said...

Wow, vibrant and very well done!
I like the message too.
Happy Canada Day to you!

Anonymous said...

What fun!

Marleen said...

A great find!

Randy said...

That's what I love about big cities, there are always some great murals.

Lea said...

Wonderful mural!
Happy Canada Day!
On Thursday the USA celebrates Independence Day.
Have a beautiful week!
Lea's Menagerie

Oakland Daily Photo said...

So true for those of us who lug around cameras. But then who wouldn't take a snap of this wall? But maybe he's talking about soccer goal kicks? It's amazing how many murals one can find in Toroto. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

Chrissy Brand said...

Big bold and modern, I like the fun elements here Pat.

Andy said...

Very colourful mural. The artist gave himself (herself?)an extra challenge by painting around the windows.

Sharon said...

I hope you had a fun Canada Day! Great mural.

Anonymous said...

I would not have seen the message had you not said anything. Well done mural.

Gringo said...

Nice one Red Pat, we could do with more colourful street pics here...

William Kendall said...

I do like that colour!

Halcyon said...

Love the bright colors! Hope you had a great Canada Day. :)