Wednesday, July 9, 2014


The Bamboo Bazaar business was started over 100 years ago and occupied this building on Davenport Rd for over 60 years before closing last year.  It was The place to go to for wicker and rattan furniture but they also had a huge stock of bamboo poles in all different sizes that were marvelous to see. The property is now for sale as a potential development site. More condos on the way?
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


Birdman said...

Bamboo is so 80s... no wonder.

Siddhartha Joshi said...

Such an old piece of history...
-- Walking into the light

Sharon said...

I bet it was interesting to browse in that store. When I was a little kid (really little) I remember an aunt who had a beautiful set of rattan furniture on an enclosed porch. I'm not sure why that popped into my head when I read your post.

Luis Gomez said...

It is always sad to see places like this one close.

Halcyon said...

Anything that can be made into condos will be made into condos. :S
Too bad to see another iconic place gone in Toronto...

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thats the way a lot of places have gone, even over here

TexWisGirl said...

awww. that's a shame.

Anonymous said...

Well they had a good run, much better than many businesses do. Maybe it was just time to retire.

Anonymous said...

It happens all too often... said...

So sad, and yes, all to common an occurrence

Revrunner said...

Wait! What? The bamboo craze is over? I wish someone would have told me. :-)

Marleen said...

What a pity for them, after such a long time in business.

Andy said...

This is truly a sign of the times. Pardon the pun.

cieldequimper said...

I hate it when shops go out of business, especially when they have such a history...

Susan Demeter said...

That is sad. Hopefully no to more condos.

Tom said...

That stuff was popular around here years ago. Was, is the operable word. Tom The Backroads Traveller

LĂșcia said...

It's a pity that a place like that had to close doors, but this is life, right, constantly recycling. ;-)

William Kendall said...

A shame it's gone out of business.

Randy said...

Love that nice old sign.

Stephanie said...

Love the old sign and the reflection in the window.

Karen said...

So it goes here as well.

Jim said...

Good one.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I guess sixty years was a good innings in this business Pat, tastes change like the wind.. Still sad to see it abandoned like this though.

EG CameraGirl said...

More condos perhaps. Just what Toronto needs. ;))

Wayne said...

Neat old neon sign!

Jack said...

That is too bad. Rattan furniture is still popular, isn't it?

Laura. M said...

It has history. Good reflection!

Lesley said...

It's sad to see these business go, but sometimes, they just don't manage to keep up with the changes in fashion/taste.