Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Sign Of The Times


It is a sign of the times that early on a Sunday morning this food delivery guy was dropping off a small bag from a coffee place to this building which is a residence at the University of Trinity College which is part of U of Toronto. People seem to get so many things delivered these days.

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


Andrew said...

Yes Pat. I've seen McDonalds delivered from across the road to my building.

Taken For Granted said...

Your photo just demonstrates how important coffee is early in the morning. Good action street photo.

Stefan Jansson said...

Yet to try that myself.

William Kendall said...

I avoid food delivery.

Sharon said...

Yes, they do. My complex is next door to another complex. I get food left at my door all the time. Food I did not order. The delivery people get the two places mixed up all the time. One day I had to toss out a bag of produce that had been sitting at my door all day long in the heat before I noticed it. You can probably imagine what the heat did to the lettuce in that bag.

Bill said...

Makes you think of how many deliveries are delivered to the wrong place.

Tom said...

...and that is a gorgeous building!

roentare said...

I would go to the cafe or shops myself instead of getting delivery on Sunday

Cloudia said...

Good shot of our contemporary situation. Nice building too. Yes. More than just a nice photo but a basis for good conversation here. Nicely done. Pat, Aloha

magiceye said...

The delivery boys must be so happy!

Anvilcloud said...

I guess I'm a bit out of the modern loop. I don't seem to get beyond Amazon and a monthly pizza delivery.

JP said...

Just imagine all the interesting experiences a person (s) would have while walking the streets of Toronto to get their own coffee!

Revrunner said...

Home deliveries really took off here, too, since the pandemic.

eileeninmd said...

There are times I wish we had food deliveries here, they only do up to 5 miles from their restaurant or store. We are too far! Take care. have a great day!

s.c said...

The top looks a bit like a dutch house.

Iris Flavia said...

Tricky subject!

roentare said...

That entrance is so good! Love that rustic look

Jack said...

For breakfast? No no no no. I like my own coffee and a pastry, clementine and banana, sitting in my own place reading newspapers.

Katerinas Blog said...

The world is changing, especially during the quarantine period, the delivery people were our heroes!!

21 Wits said...

They sure do, it used to be mostly pizza delivered but now they have sweet treats that have me tempted. I drove by a car that had a slogan on it saying they were on their way to make someone's day! I think that's got to be the best part of a job making someone's day with something nice or yummy!