Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Exercises At The Park


I have seen exercise stations such as these at several parks around town but I have yet to see anyone using the equipment. These ones have just recently been installed in an Annex neighbourhood park.

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Sharon said...

Hopefully, someone uses them. It's a great idea. I learned on this trip that I needed exercise more. My legs were wearing out way too soon.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Outdoor training mode:-))

Tom said...

...they have become popular here too!

Anvilcloud said...

Good idea, but I suspect most fitness 'freaks' already have their own regimes to follow.

Taken For Granted said...

Our city used to have a jogging trail with exercise stations on it, but I haven't been on that trail in years. I think it is no longer maintained.

Cloudia said...

Yes, Anvilcloud makes a good point. Good play on the meme. Pat!

Stefan Jansson said...

Very smart, free to use after a free walk, so no need for an expencive gym membership.