Number 99 is famous in Canada for being the number worn by Wayne Gretzky, one of the best hockey players ever. The address for Wayne Gretzky's restaurant in Toronto is 99 Blue Jays Way and this is the front door. Love those handles (they are the blades from hockey skates) - hope those blades aren't sharpened!
Nicely seen Red!
That's cool!
I love the way you Canadians express your creativity in the details! ;-)
Excellent, Redpat. Wayne Gretsky never played on a team that I liked, but I admired his skill and sportsmanship greatly.
Great shot! I love it. I'm sure the skates aren't sharp, but the door sure is.
Sometimes it just seems yesterday when Wayne was a newcomer to the NHL, and sometimes it seems like centuries. A great Canadian athlete. I love that his restaurant is near the ballpark. Maybe I'll get a meal and a game some day.
-- K
Ha! nice idea of using hockey skating blade as door handles, impressive! Happened to stumble upon your blog and its so entertaining!
Wayne Gretzky was a great one and the restaurant is a tribute to his favorite sport.
btw RedPat, TJ's has organic foods and green products at a great price.
clever handles!
Nice one. Have you been inside? I have passed by here a few times, but have never noticed these doors (or the handles!)
Great find Red, and I recognize those shoes in the reflection haha!
I wouldn't have known that 99 was Gretzky's number. :S
Is the food any good?
Love the door handles! Very cool.
Nice to see you wearing those red shoes, Pat!
I love the red shoe reflections too!
This is great. A very creative idea which I didn't know was in my own city.Thanks Pat.
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