Friday, March 4, 2016

6th Blog Anniversary

Who would have thought that I would still be posting here on Occasional Toronto 6 years after I began what I thought would be an occasional thing. I love it everyday and love all my blog friends and miss the ones we have lost. For the day, I offer this night shot of the venerable Vesta Lunch looking rather Hopperesque to me!


Lowell said...

Congrats, Pat! It is always a pleasure to look at your blog and your friendship is much appreciated!

The Furry Gnome said...

Congrats Redpat!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Congratulations. and happy Blogaversary. Love the word Hopperesque. B

Karl said...

Congratulations Pat, happy 6th Anniversary !

Sharon said...

Congratulations on the anniversary! We love visiting your blog every day.
You are so right, Hopperesque it is!

Christine said...

Congratulations! That quite the achievement!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Congratulations Pat, it's amazing how time flies. We really have formed a little blog family haven't we. As you say it's incredibly hard when we lose a friend. Looking forward to many more Patesque like images :)

Cloudia said...

Yes, I enjoyed this night scene very much. Happy anniversary! You make my world a better place every day, Pat

William Kendall said...

Happy Blogoversary, RedPat!

Taken For Granted said...

You even caught the "night hawk" in the window. Yes, most Hopperesque.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Goodonyer Pat. Yes - addictive, isn't it? I can't take good night shots!

VP said...

At first, probably, it was an occasional thing for most of us... Happy anniversary from Tuscany!

Anonymous said...

Happy 6th to you. You made me wonder about myself so I looked it up. I like that shot. I need to get out more late for some night shooting but never feel up to it.

Andy said...

Congratulations Pat! That is a big achievement for you and your camera.

Gosia said...

good luck. My blog is 2 years old

Revrunner said...

Congrats! Let's see six more--at least. :-)

Michelle said...

Congrats! I hope you keep it going! I enjoy seeing your city views!

cieldequimper said...

You're right, it does! Love the word hopperesque!!! Bon anniversaire, I always enjoy visiting Toronto !! 6 years is brilliant (don't I know it!!!)

Linda said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary!

Laura. M said...

Congratulations Pat. I love being among your friends.
Whenever I call you, Pat, but I do not ea your name. What is your name ?
Good celebration and to continue many more years.
Good weekend ;)

21 Wits said...

A great evening shot, and it's just what Edward Hopper would be delighted to work with. He's one of my favorites too!

Lois said...

Congratulations to you! I always enjoy visiting your blog. It is a fun hobby isn't it?

Luis Gomez said...

Congratulations! Thanks for all your beautiful images from Toronto.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Happy (belated) blogiversary! I am glad you are here. I love learning about your beautiful City...and hope to be lucky enough to visit it in person someday. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy through your eyes and camera!

Jenn Jilks said...


Jack said...

Big cheers from your friend in southern climes.