Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Evening Ink

It's funny how tattoo parlours seem to be busiest in the evening. This place is always open for some evening ink!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


Anonymous said...

You are not tempted? Discreet, of course.

Andy said...

Also there is no shortage of them.

Luis Gomez said...

You are so right!

Anonymous said...

Something I will never understand all the fascination about.

Sharon said...

Hmmm...that is so true. I hadn't thought of that before.

Cloudia said...

Lets get matching ones!

William Kendall said...

We have a number of them spread out through the city. I don't get the point to it.

Lowell said...

Spooky! Looking at the sign, it doesn't appear to be a quality place. Not that any tattoo parlors are! Ugh.


Tom said...

man, these places are sprouting up everywhere

Marleen said...

I have never been inside one..

Taken For Granted said...

Tattoos seem to required among some people. It must be a generational thing, and I'm thankful not be in that generation. If I draw on my body at least it will eventually wash off.

Taken For Granted said...

Pat, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving comments. I've been gone for the past two weeks out of Internet range, so I've been disconnected. My blog has been on autopilot, but I'm back now.

Stephanie said...

I have never been in one of these places and don't plan to. Some people go overboard.

Lesley said...

Tattoo places usually have the most interesting signs - but I'm not sure I'd trust the writing skills by looking at this one!

TexWisGirl said...

great title. :)

Christine said...

Good observation!

Revrunner said...

Sure don't need another tattoo. You wouldn't believe the number of "tattoos" I have from falling out of trees, playing football and soccer, mowing lawns (trust me, you DON'T want to know) and--oh, yeah!--rolling down a staircase and busting my chin on a coffee table. :-))

Nonnie said...

I have thought of getting a tattoo, but I haven't done it.

Kate said...

Tattoo parlours busier at night? What I don't know about the world!!

Tony McGurk said...

Maybe they are busier at night because that's when people have had enough to drink to be brave enough to get one.

Karl said...

Good title !

VP said...

We have so many of these, and you are right: they are mostly busy in the evening...

Rose said...

Maybe cause people come after work...

21 Wits said...

A draw for many!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Haha! I bet lots of people do have a tat or two after a drink... or two :)