Thursday, February 27, 2025

Puffs Of Snow


I was half way up the stairs leading to Casa Loma when I came upon these bushes with wonderful puffballs of snow and had to get a shot. It is always nice to get outside before the wind blows the snow off the branches.


William Kendall said...

Very pretty.

eileeninmd said...

The snow looks pretty when it first falls! Take care, have a great day!

Stefan Jansson said...

According to the meteorologists Spring will arrive to Stockholm later this evening. Nice Winter photo.

Bill said...

Very pretty indeed!

roentare said...

Beautiful snow carpeting the terrain

Andrew said...

Nice, and I can always find something to stop and photograph when climbing stairs and hills.

Taken For Granted said...

That must have been fluffy snow to pile up like that in the bushes. Well seen and photographed. Perfect photo for b&w.