Saturday, December 10, 2011

Modern Masterpiece

A few weeks ago before all our leaves were gone I went for a walk down a dead-end street that curls around just east of Casa Loma. Most of the homes along this very high-end street are traditional Georgian & Colonial styles but there are a few exceptions including this wonderful Brutalist beauty. There are a lot of Brutalist public buildings in Toronto but few private homes like this one that was designed by Taivo Kapsi and finished in 1968. Kapsi unfortunately died in 1967 at the age of 31 and never saw it finished. I am ready to move in if I had several million $$ and if it was for sale!


EG CameraGirl said...

I would enjoy taking a tour of this home. Invite me when you move in. :))

Lowell said...

This I like a lot!! Interesting that the area is called Casa Loma as the house reminds me of 60ish homes in California where Casa Loma would be a common name. I've never heard of the word, "Brutalist," though...where did that come from?

Leeds daily photo said...

I am not generally a fan of much of the brutalist architecture, at least many of the ones here in the UK. It is often a mark of cheap and nasty. However I think Kapsi was one of the better proponents of the style. It is a pity that he met such a violent end at 31, who knows what he might have achieved given just a few more years.

Sharon said...

I love this one. I could move in here too!

Halcyon said...

Any house that has a double car garage is good enough for me! I'm already tired of scraping. :(

PS: The word verification is PRECIP. Hee!

Michael Rowland said...

Lovely, lots of windows to let in the light,,,M said...

It is really a fabulous example of Brutalism without being cold and intimidating. Probably because of all the trees and windows. I'll visit as soon as you move in.

Lúcia said...

Cool house!
I hope you win the lottery! I won't even be jealous. :D

RedPat said...

I forgot to mention that the back of the house overlooks a ravine that is a huge park! Even better!!

Paul in Powell River said...

It's a beauty of a house! If you use satellite view in Goggle maps, you get a great idea of what the view would be out back. (Copy in 95 Ardwold Gate, Toronto)

If you get the place Red, I'll be coming for company! :D

Jack said...

Within the genre of brutalism, I suppose this is an attractive house, but you can take it and I'll take one of its colonial and Georgian neighbors.

Randy said...

I would love to see the inside. Love the design.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You really couldn't get two more different houses than our two today hey Red! Would love to see if he inside is as modern.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I don't think it's really me, so you can have this one when it comes up for sale ;>) I never heard of Brutalist school of arch. before.

jennyfreckles said...

I'd love to see inside. I like the mixture of hard shapes with the soft planting around it.

Unknown said...

Love it!