A couple of years ago construction of this cool modern house began on a lot the size of a single car garage which was located at the junction of a laneway and a busy street (Harbord) near the university. It resulted in this 2 storey house with a roof deck but each floor must be really tiny and there is no yard at all. I wish it would go up for sale so I could see inside!
It's a very different house, but I like the big windows.
A roof deck is always a plus. ;-)
I'd love to see inside, too. I love small spaces, and designing small homes has long been a hobby of mine, not for anyone's use, just for my own amusement.
This is a fascinating post!
It would be fun to see the layout of this place for sure!
Sometimes I feel I'd like the challenge of really downsizing. No room for clutter there!
It certainly is a creative use of space. I'll bet the architect used a shoe box to test various configurations!
Not my kind of place, but it would likely be ideal for a single person (college student, etc.). Looks like there's a basement entrance plus that patio area on the roof - it's probably got more room than one would think.
Hope you get inside one of these days.
Nice one Red Pat!
You will get in one of these days.. :)
Good for a bachelor pad - or a pied-à-terre.
I bet they organized it well.
I've seen pictures of another house (much older) on a small lot it Toronto. I can't recall any of the details.
This one looks very interesting.
Boy, I'd have to pare down my stuff to live there!
I really admire designers who come up with these designs.
Do think the land taxes are low?
That is a very clever design to fit in that tiny space. I'd love to see inside too!
Cool! This reminds me of a documentary about the micro-houses in Tokyo I've recently watched.
Always amazing to see what high land and real estate costs force designers to do. My house is only 12 feet wide, but it is very very deep, this one takes the cake on tiny.
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