Friday, December 16, 2011

Ryerson Bike Mural

I discovered this wonderful bike mural in a laneway that runs through the campus of Ryerson University which is one of 3 universities in the city of Toronto. Running off Dundas St near Yonge St, the laneway had long been a prime target for graffiti so when Ryerson set up a secure, indoor bike parking area off the lane the decision was made to beautify with a suitable mural! I have been unable to discover the artist responsible but will keep searching for the info. This is just one part of this really long mural!


Mo said...

Those bright colours are perfect for a grey London day. i feel very jolly now.

Lúcia said...

What a fun mural!
The artist surely is very talented and creative! ;-)

Lowell said...

I like it very much. At the Univ. of Florida in Gainesville, they have a wall that extends about 6 blocks filled with graffiti which is constantly changing. It looks terrible! But I suppose it helps keep the so-called "artists" away from other walls. This mural at Ryerson is so much nicer!

VioletSky said...

Wow! That is so very bright!

Regina K said...

This is quite a suitable and colorful mural. It is remarkable that Toronto has so many murals for the public to enjoy.

Paul in Powell River said...

I like it! And even better that it keeps the taggers at bay.

Anonymous said...

Toronto Rules :) said...

Wow, that is so cool!

Jack said...

Preemptive street art. I definitely like this better than many kinds of graffiti that might have been there if the university had not acted first.

Randy said...

I can't believe all of the murals you have in your city. I love it.

Sharon said...

This is very colorful and makes me think of lemons, limes and oranges.

Anonymous said...

The colours remind me of Opal Fruits, or Starburst as they are now known!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So vibrant Red, the wheels look like slices of lemons and oranges!

Birdman said...

Quite cool. Love the design and colors.

EG CameraGirl said...

Colourful and appropriate!