Thursday, July 2, 2015

Through The Gate

This gate opens up to a tree-lined walkway into the Wychwood Park neighbourhood which is a private community in the middle of the city. It is private in that the community owns the roads and common areas but it is still open to the public to enter and I often walk there. I've shown many pics that you can see if you click the label below. Tomorrow I will show you what I found this time!
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


VP said...

I love this: a natural frame for a view on the alley!

eileeninmd said...

What a cute little window in the gate, very pretty. Great fence shot, enjoy your day!

21 Wits said...

Oh I do like this capture, and the invitation to see what is inside! Excited for your post tomorrow!

TexWisGirl said...

this is SO cool!!! love this, redpat!

Karl said...

Nice picture !

Anonymous said...

Wonderful perspective!

Sharon said...

For some reason, this made me think of a neighborhood in St. Louis that I used to visit. It was a private area too and from time to time they would actually have someone guarding the entrance but, I was always allowed to enter. It was such a beautiful tree lined street with wonderful old homes. I loved going there. I'll be back tomorrow to see what you found.

Gosia said...

so it is mystery hole!!

Lea said...

I love it!

Halcyon said...

A perfect frame for the scene beyond. Love it!

Stephanie said...

A framed shot! I love it, a sneak peek to see what is inside.

LV said...

I very nice and interesting fence peep hole.

Anonymous said...

Redpat very nice demonstration.

Birdman said...

Did OJ run down this alley?

Revrunner said...

Nice "portal" shot.

cieldequimper said...

That's a lovely photo!

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Ooo - nice shot. Loved the previous day's too!

Lowell said...

You are brilliant! And reason for that is that I've taken a bunch of pictures through an identical window in an almost identical wall - though the interior was different. Great minds and all that...

Re your question: No, she was driving out of a parking lot. However, in The Villages you can drive your golf cart on most of the roadways.

jennyfreckles said...

Sweet glimpse into a green world. I suppose the window has a practical aspect in that it will help you avoid slamming the gate into someone's face!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Nice shot. B

William Kendall said...

I like the sense of depth.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a mirror.

Ida said...

Very clever way to present your fence shot, it's really a great view.

Randy said...

Nice capture.

Cloudia said...


( '>


A Colorful World said...

What a great shot!

Tom said...

I like your look at life! Tom The Backroads Traveller

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh now that was a good idea Pat, this lovely little glimpse through the portal has us intrigued to see what you found down the lane!

Laura. M said...

Great approach, I really like !!