Thursday, July 9, 2015

Where Have They Gone?

I took this pic at the end of May of this man taking pics of all the Canada Geese near a small pond in James Gardens in the Etobicoke neighbourhood. The place was teeming with geese then but about 3 weeks ago they all disappeared! The ducks have taken over and I'm not sure but I think the city park employees may have rounded up the geese and moved them out of the park, something which they have been doing along the Lakeshore. The ducks don't seem to mind at all!


Gosia said...

Ducks are lovely birds and so greedy

Birdman said...

Maybe the stone turtle drove them away. Well, at least it's a little better 'walking' w/o the geese. Squish! Yuk!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Haha! At first I thought it might be the giant turtle that scared off the geese, before I realised it wasn't real :)

Blogoratti said...

What a wonderful photo.

EG CameraGirl said...

Hmmm. I wonder if there will soon be a glut of goose at the supermarket. Okay, I'm kidding about that but I cannot imagine where they would relocate them to. I know a few areas are coating goose eggs with oil so that they never hatch, which seems like a good way to me to cut down on their ever-increasing numbers.

21 Wits said...

Lovely picture, especially with the photographer too. Geese are fun to watch but they can be messy creatures, and I know some large companies over here hire folks to walk their dogs around the grounds to scare them off!

jo(e) said...

I took one look at the photo and thought, "Why aren't you mentioning the GIANT TURTLE that appeared in the park?" Then I realized that it was a statue.

I'm not sure it's possible to keep geese away. I mean, I know places where they've tried and failed. I wonder what made them leave.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Most likely over this side of the pond in the Thames

VP said...

A very nice photo with an enigma! I am also curious about the big turtle...

Sharon said...

I wonder where they would move them to or even how they would move them. Our Japanese Garden closes for the summer but when I go over the fall and winter, it's interesting how the population of birds changes. One time there might be ducks by the hundreds another time there might be just a few ducks. Another time there might be several cormorants and the next time not a sign of them. I always wonder there they go.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Could it be some skulduckery is afoot? Have the geese been kidnapped? Possibly captured by aliens naturally posing as giant tortoises?

TexWisGirl said...

aww. i can't imagine 'herding' wild geese would be easy. :)

Anonymous said...

I live next to a golf course and the greens-keepers are forever shooing the geese away. They just fly on down to the next water hazard.

William Kendall said...

They'd just come back anyway. I like the giant turtle.

cieldequimper said...

It's that tortoise that I like a lot!!

LOLfromPasa said...

The proportions here are amazing. That giant turtle is 'big'.

Laura. M said...

It is very busy. I will come back ;)

Lowell said...

I guess that turtle is there just to provide a little comic relief for the ducks and the geese. I've been in areas where Canadian geese prevail and it's usually a rather messy site and sight1 :)

hamilton said...

Such pesky creatures. Hope the ducks enjoy it while they can because we all know the geese will return.

Jack said...

Really? We get many Canada geese around there, but I never heard of packing them up and sending them away.

Randy said...

Fun shot.

Anonymous said...

They all seem to be enjoying themselves in the sunshine in their 'goose free' zone!

Kitty said...

oh no. Is it because they're messy?
I have to wonder at all our human interventions. Oy.

Stephanie said...

It is a great shot and love that giant turtle!

Cloudia said...


nurseev said...

Pat....The geese don't fly when they are molting which is right now.