Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wanted Poster

I thought this was the perfect name for a Laundramat and I bet a lot of lone socks have turned up inside there!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


EG CameraGirl said...

Bwahaha! Yep, perfect name. ;)

Kitty said...

ha, that is cute!

Luis Gomez said...

Great find!

Karl said...

Haha, what a funny name :)

VP said...

Great name!

Gosia said...

fantastic poster.

21 Wits said...

Super, I need this address, so many to claim! Hehehe!

Lowell said...

Just couldn't get any better than this! Wonderful and eye-catching name!

Anonymous said...

Very clever.

Sharon said...

That put a smile on my face! What a great name.

William Kendall said...

A good name for the place!

cieldequimper said...

Lol, love the creativity here!

Anonymous said...


Halcyon said...

I love it!
And I do wonder where those socks go...

Kate said...

All of my washing machines ate socks; funny, tho, after my kids grew up and left home, the machines were kinder to me.

TexWisGirl said...

too darn CUTE and clever! :)

Nonnie said...

what a fun name for what happens to many of us! I learned to buy white socks for the kids and black for Hubby. Then I found out that there are numerous hues of black!

Gemma Wiseman said...

That is quirky. Bound to spring a smile or two.

VioletSky said...

It's getting harder and harder to come up with original business names - these folk did good!

Mo said...

I have more than one lost in the wash

Taken For Granted said...

Don't know how it happens, but I always get an odd number of socks every time the wash is done. This is a cleaver sign.

Jim said...

Good to find.

Tom said...

I've had socks missing for a lot longer! Tom The Backroads Traveller

Jack said...

Hah! Good catch, RedPat.

Randy said...

Great logo.

Stephanie said...

Perfect name for a laundromat.

Cloudia said...

HA! Love it



Gerald (SK14) said...

didn't immediately realise it was a launderette - brilliant

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It's a brilliant name Pat, well spotted. I think there's a missing sock parallel universe somewhere :)

Laura. M said...

A giant sock :))

Lesley said...

Good name. One needs a laugh when doing laundry (not that actually losing socks is funny)