Monday, February 28, 2011

Modern Cloister at University College

This cloister is on the same quadrangle as the post from 2 days ago but it didn't appear until 1964 when the one open side of the quad was finally closed by the construction of the College library. There is quite the contrast between the two cloisters but I think they each work aesthetically!


EG CameraGirl said...

I really like how the arches here are stacked perfectly. Nice shot!

Lúcia said...

You're right, they are very beautiful, despite all the differences! I can't tell you which one I like best.
This shot is fantastic, love the perspective here! ;-)

Eyeliquor 2 said...

Cool photograph!
Well seen!

Alain said...

Lovely! It looks very grand (and in superb condition).

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That's an incredible picture. The perspective is great -- it just continues -- and continues to fascinate. Lovely.

Halcyon said...

Very pretty!

Randy said...

That really is beautiful!

Jack said...

Redpat, it is so interesting to see the similarities and the differences in the two photos of arches and corridors. I also liked yesterday's photo of the young woman walking toward you in the snow, in contrast to the photo two days before, with the young woman walking away.

Mo said...

Wonderful pattern