Monday, August 25, 2014


I present arguably the most beautiful mural in Toronto so far. The artist, Chris Irvine, has spent several weeks getting this just right and he has now actually signed it. I stopped to talk to him one day and he said that he is hoping that the city is going to plant irises and install 2 benches in the 3 ft space between the wall and the sidewalk. He has now been working on the opposite wall under this railway overpass and this one is a Monet, to go along with Van Gogh. An incredibly dreary space is being rehabilitated!
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals from around the world.


Gosia said...

It is very beautiful.I like it.

Revrunner said...

Certainly brings pizzazz to a rusty old bridge.

Anonymous said...

What a difference they make!

Luis Gomez said...

Truly a beauty!

Karl said...

This is very very nice!

Birdman said...

They are my favorite flower, and here they last more than 2 weeks. Yes!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, that is COOL!

Stephanie said...

For a minute, I thought you did an incredible post editing job on your image till I read it is a mural. It is gorgeous!

Sharon said...

You get no argument from me. This one is stunning. I hope they do plant the flowers along here. That would be a great addition.

Jackie McGuinness said...

Yup, gorgeous!!!

LĂșcia said...

Beautiful RedPat!
A garden for all seasons! :)

jennyfreckles said...

Isn't that gorgeous? They were my mum's favourite flower.

EG CameraGirl said...

This is truly lovely, RedPat. I think it fits the space well and I hope the city DOES plant some irises there.

Anonymous said...

I agree - very beautiful.

Karen said...

Oh it is gorgeous!

don said...

The artist has earned much praise for their beautiful mural. An exceptionally nice piece of art work.

cieldequimper said...

This is absolutely gorgeous! I certainly hope they do install them and that you'll show us the other side!

William Kendall said...

It is a beautiful work by the artist!

Jack said...

This is quite lovely. If the city does plant irises there, it would look great!

Randy said...

What a lovely thing to see on a commute.

Laura. M said...

Precioso Pat. Da gusto verlas!!!!

Unknown said...

So beautifully done! It reminds me of Art Nouveau.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh YES! This is absolutely delightful, I hope they do put a bench and plant some flowers.. cannot wait to see the other side :)

Billy Blue Eyes said...

What a bright & cheerful mural, shame about the bridge

Anonymous said...

This is quite wonderful

Anonymous said...
